My 7 year old nephew told me this weekend that I am “weirdly spectacular.” Now, I take that as a compliment – the weird part, and the spectacular part. I’m also impressed that a 7 year old uses the word “spectacular.” But back to me…

Driving to Harrisonburg yesterday to talk to a potential client, I listened, twice, to a Joe Bonamassa CD as loud as I could stand it. On the back, it was a sing along to a couple of different oldies stations (“I love you more todaaaay than yesterday, but not as much as tomooooooorrow…“) followed by laughs with David Sedaris, whose stories are twice as funny when hearing him read them. So, yes, I guess the weird part definitely fits. Spectacular? Well, maybe in the eyes of a 7 year old …

I think this juxtaposition of interests is what keeps life interesting. It’s also what allows us at MBM to move easily from conservative banking clients, to liberal non-profits, to self-described “good-old-boy” contractors. We don’t hold anyone in judgement, and work to create marketing strategies and materials that will reflect our clients, not our creative abilities. And this means that our clients like what we do for them — and more importantly, they see results. Which after all, is what marketing is all about.

Weirdly Spectacular – a nice description for MBM….
